Overwatch is a game that has a massive fan-base even if is been released about 4 months ago. The fan-base of Overwatch is so big that I found so much fan-made heroes, and it was hard narrowing them down to just 5. The criteria I used was the design of the character, and the abilities used by that hero.
The Fifth character on this list is Needles. She has an interesting character design to me and the coolest part of her design are her boots. To me, I think she would be a great offensive character.
Needles (image from:http://nikusenpai.deviantart.com/art/Overwatch-Oc-Needles-619840810) |
Fourth on this list is Lyra & Derven. This duo interested me the first time I saw them. I find it cool that an owl is acting as a watch er and eyes in the sky, while being a bomber at the same time. Their design is cool, and using a musket-looking gun while looking steampunk just makes it cooler.
Lyra (image from: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2dQdJ) |
Third on this list is Drake, a pirate with a cannon for an arm. He interests me in his design, and I would like to see what his origin story would be like. by looking at his moves, it looks as if he is the master of stunning his enemies. The names of his abilities are creative. And his drawing came with alternative skins that look nice to me because of their palette.
Drake (image from: http://anhel1310.deviantart.com/art/Drake-for-Overwatch-concept-616189574) |
Second on this list, we have Nyah. A cat-like lady who has a giant scythe, and two mechanical hounds at her disposal. I like her because the first thing that I saw when I saw the picture is the scythe. Its not everyday that you find a video game character with a scythe. Her color scheme is cool, and I am curious what her origin is.
Nyah (image from: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5YLDW) |
Finally, my favorite fan-made character for Overwatch is Rose. The thing I like about his character is that she has a cool looking gun that can be like a laser sword. Her color scheme is great, and she somewhat reminds me of Rose Quartz from Steven Universe. Her abilities look cool, and I would like to see her in the Overwatch roster.
Rose (image from: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VDrdZ) |
I'm not quite sure how to comment you to send you a tip about a blog post you might want to cover... Anyway it's called Overwatch on the NES by RKADE soup on youtube if you want to search it.