The State of Smartphones


                Every new flagship smartphone release seems like a relaunch of practically the same thing; Snapdragon 820, 12 or more megapixel camera and a 1080p or 1440p display. Innovation has seemed to stop or slow down in the already stagnant and saturated smartphone market. Is there still room to reinvent the smartphone? I think it is plausible with 2 actions.

                First, it starts with new and exciting features. We want dual cameras, new screen technologies, better speakers, etc. We are tired with companies saying that the smartphone is going to get faster, because that’s a given with every new generation.

                We need something that will blow the industry away. Something to reinvent the smartphone.

                Second, we need better prices. We something that’s a bargain for at least being a solid smartphone. I adore companies which are able to do this without compromising on the main essentials of a good smartphone.

                We want more companies to adapt to having their flagship smartphones at lower prices, like at the USD 450 mark.

                So, we simply want more features and a better price out of the handheld device on which we rely on. I hope every major smartphone company gets this message.
