Top 3 Things In Star Wars: Rogue One I would Like to See

After last year, Star Wars has made a comeback with a real movie, and Star Wars: Rogue One was announced. In expectation for the movie to be released later, here is 5 things in Rouge One I would like to see.

3. An Actual Jedi

I've seen all the trailers so far, and I have seen no Jedi whatsoever.. I'm really disappointed that not even 1 Jedi was seen. I mean sure... there was a cameo of Darth Vader, but there's always a Jedi AND a Sith. In The Force Awakens, there was a Jedi... technically. Sure Luke made a cameo, at least, but Ray (Rei?) was a Jedi. I mean sure she had no training, but please, show at least 1 good guy with a lightsaber.
(image from: GeekTyrant )

2. A Lightsaber Fight

We know how Star Wars has the best choreographed fights. We know how the lights look amazing when they are moved around, and the sweet savory sound of lightsabers clashing, and the amazing sound of them wooshing through the air. It's a trademark thing of Star Wars, you must have a lightsaber fight.
(image from: WallDevil )

 1. A new type of lightsaber never seen in the cinematic universe

As many Star Wars fans know, there are so many types of lightsabers:
lightwips, crossguard, the light pike, dual sided, the inquisitor lightsaber. I would like to see one of these in the movies, especially the light wip.
(image from: Reddit )
