Top 3 Geeky Items You Should Have

Christmas is just around the corner, and it's about time to release a top 5 about wishlists for Christmas. Now that Christmas is around, you can get most of the stuff you want. So here is my top 3 geeky items for Christmas.

3. A Tabletop Game

So many people just LOVE board games. Especially geeks. Geeks are the masters of board games, ranging from D&D (of course) to things like King of Tokyo, Superfight, Cardfight! Vanguard, and Magic: The Gathering. Board games can be just as fun as video games, if you play with friends of couse.

Magic: The Gathering
(Image From: Comic Book

2. Final Fantasy XV

With Square Enix's 15th installation of Final Fantasy, its about time I should play it. It seems amazing to play, and the adventure/ roadtrip theme is very interesting to me. Final Fantasy has never let us down, and it was able to get more installations than Land Before Time, if it was able to reach that feat, then it seems good in my book.

(image from: )

1. A Video Game Creation Software

If you're in love with video games, then you probably want to make them. There are many softwares that help you make them. Some of these are: The RPG Maker Series, which is simple enough if you learn how to do it, there's Unity 3d, and the Unreal engine that are more complex, but give greater results.

(image from: Steam )
