A Movie Review of Rogue One: A Star Wars story


Note: Don’t worry, I am well aware that it’s a bit late for a movie review since Rogue One has been showing for a couple of weeks now. But hear me out here for those who haven’t watched the movie yet. And if you’re reading this and have already watched it, then feel free to leave, or, if you have the time, judge my review by dropping a line. Thanks.

Needless to say, Rogue One was an outstanding movie. This movie indeed deserves a lot of praise. It wouldn’t be the second highest grossing film for 2016 for nothing. However, what I, and most people like to focus on, is where the movie failed at doing and where the movie succeeded.

Even though Rogue One is a standalone movie, this Star Wars movie lacked some key elements that made “The” Star Wars movie a Star Wars movie. For example, it’s quite hard to think that a movie that has “Star Wars” as its title is a Star Wars movie if it lacks lightsabers, don’t you think? I would also want to point out that Rogue One fell short on impressive actions and spectacular fighting scenes which a Star Wars movie has been known for. There are actually a few more key elements I spotted, but I won’t bore you with all of them. Personally, I am not a fan of Star Wars so I might sound bias if I go through more examples here. But with that aside, even though the movie had an intriguing plot, the plot that I speak of often turns a bit messy. I noticed how the movie’s plot progressed too quickly. At one scene, you see the characters doing a minor operation, and the next, they’re already stealing the Death Star’s plans.

Ok, let’s stop being very negative for a while and move on to the parts where the movie somehow NAILED IT. Let’s start off with the CGI or visual effects. Rogue One really did good considering the visual effects- looked very professional and realistic. One would feel as if he’s part of the movie. You’ll see yourself being further immersed in it if you watch in 4D, which I did. Aside from that, the director picked the perfect cast, and each actor played their roles very well. And speaking of roles, each character in the movie also had their very own unique personality. This may be against what I said earlier, but the movie was successful in having injected few elements of a proper Star Wars movie, like the storyline, the conflict, the adventure, the people and characters, and the world’s atmosphere.

So that’s my review, folks. Feel free to share your opinion on my review, but for now, I’ll need to rate this movie. I would give this…

8/10 Death Star plans.
