AJHS Fair 2017-2018,WOO WOO WOO you know it

AJHS Fair 2017-2018
Image result for Fairs

    Woo Woo Woo, You know it!.... as Zack Ryder says. It is BER months yet again and don't let Halloween distract you from the fact that the Fair is coming once again to the AJHS. But while it is still early ,I want to suggest these things in the fair.

1)Gaming tournaments.

Image result for NBA 2k18Image result for WWE 2k18

As the technology of today grows, a lot of kids love games now a days. I suggest that the video games that teens love in a gaming tournament to show who is the THE guy.( Not Roman Reigns)

2)Make the horror house scarier
Image result for IT 

 The recent movie released was "IT" and Pennywise, the dancing clown would be a nice adding. Please also include Georgie saying"You'll float too". Also include horror icons as well.

3) VR rides

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VR rides are one of those famous things now. The genres that could be simulated would be adventure,horror or action. Adventure could be like in an Indiana Jones way. Horror could be IT,Friday the 13th and more. Action could be Fast &Furious way.

And that is it for my suggestions for the AJHS Fair.
