Top 3 Books That Should Be Turned Into Movies

Why haven't these books been turned to movies yet??? Here is my opinion of the top 3 books that should IMMEDIATELY be turned into movies...,204,203,200_.jpg
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
The Graveyard Book. C'mon, this is a HUGE question mark on why this isn't a movie yet. Do you see the Newberry Medal on the cover? Do you? It says a lot. Great characters,great storyline...
The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
This is the only Dan Brown book with THE Robert Langdon that hasn't been brought to the silver screen
and I am just shook. The book has  an amazing story and I can't see why it's not a movie yet...
Shakespeare Stealer by Gary Blackwood
A lot of Gr.8 students in the AJHS would hate me for saying this, but I love this book! It has an amazing plot, amazing characters, well, AMAZING EVERYTHING!!!  
