Top 3 Books Turned Into Movies

Top 3 Books Turned into Movies

Reading. Many people know how to do this very simple task. For us teenagers, reading is somewhat irrelevant to our current lives and that is sad. A somewhat alternative to reading books is watching movies. Many of us teens do this and some of the movies that we have watched were originally books. Now, here is my top 3 books turned into movies.

3.) Jurassic Park

Taken from: Reading To Sleep

Jurassic Park was mainly known for being a movie made by Steven Speilberg. However, Jurassic Park was originally a book by Michael Chrichton. There are few changes between the book and the movie. From my research, more people prefer the book over the movie itself. In my own opinion, I actually prefer the movie over the book.

2.) IT
Taken from: Wikepedia

You’ll float too.  This book turned in to movie scared the life out of me when I watched it. Pennywise, in my opinion was much much scarier in the movie rather than in the book mainly because I SAW HIS BLOODY FACE. Anyways, the book has petrified its audience for over 30 years. 30 years. 30 YEARS!!! That’s enough time for Pennywise to come back out.

1.)   The Disaster Artist

I can’t believe I’m actually writing about this. The Room was one of the worst movies ever made and yet behind the scenes footage of the same movie is being portrayed by James Friggin Franco. That’s only the icing on top of the cake. Greg Sestero (who was originally Mark from The Room) wrote this book. Nowadays, The Room does not really seem like a bad movie. I really don't know why imdb gave The Room  3.6 out of 10. 
