3 Things To Do If You Can't Use Your Gadgets

Your parents get pissed at you for failing a math LT, or all your gadgets' batteries have run out and there is no way to charge them... Here are 3 things you can do if you can't use your gadgets.
1. Basketball
Ahh, yes. Basketball. If you're an active person and you can't use your gadgets, why not try the "Walang Kasawa- Sawang" ALLEGED sport of the country. You can play with clothes off, no shoes on, it's an activity that doesn't involve money.(unless you bet Php 500 and lose the game)

2. Play An Instrument(that doesn't use electricity so no amps or keyboards allowed)
Why not get the ole' guitar and play that favorite song of your's(over and over again... I'm sorry) 'til you get inspired to write and compose a song. Be like one of your idols and play that face melting riff 'til your fingers bleed...
3. Homework...
I'm really, really sorry to those who are reading this article for this is(say it with me) our worst nightmare ever(I mean, for us students). C'mon, we've all had that one teacher who gives us a hectic, handful of homework that some(?) of us don't get right?
