Summer in 28 days! But what to do?

Firstly, I want to set something straight. Summer break is actually going to occur during spring.

Anyway. So we got 28 days left until summer ends and personally I'm happy that this is all about to end. Here are some things I you can do in your 3 months of relaxation that your not gonna get as an adult.

5. Binge Watch Youtube.
This is how I spent summer 2017 for most days. If you don't know how to binge watch, here are steps to do so.
When you log into Youtube either
a) Click the first interesting Video
b)Think of a few Youtube channels you either heard of and never watched or a Youtube channel you have stopped watching.
Repeat steps until you have watched all the videos you find interesting.
Image result for Youtube addiction

Just read a book you promised your mom you would read. Its that simple if you are committed enough. I am not though. 

3. Video Games. Like this one:
This one is how I'll spend most of  my time. It's pretty straight forward. I like this one the most.
Either make, steal or laugh at them. A quick google search will start a 2-hour session of cancer and cringe but no quality to be found.
You can do this if you have enough money. Yo can go to a local destination for less than a week and/ or go to the U.S. or Europe for 3 weeks. This is the special part of summer that has to be in every break
